


Doing Recon

Now to do some Bond stuff

What is recon?

Recon is the skill of gathering information

Today we will cover active reconnaissance.

Passive reconnaissance is next week (come along, funnies will be had)

What does active recon mean?

Great question

Active Reconnaissance

Gaining information about a system through interaction.

This could be:

Quick fire networking

IP Addressing

IPv4 vs IPv6

Public vs Private

Network Protocols



What is NMap?

Network Mapping tool

Allows a user to scan an IP Address.

More available at nmap.org

How do I get NMap?

Linux: Either already installed or likely available in your package manager of choice.

Windows: Can be installed in Windows, but we’d recommend either hosting a Kali/Parrot VM or install Kali through WSL.

MacOS/OSX: Install from nmap.org/download

Available on BSD, Solaris, Amiga etc.

Common Uses of NMap

To find:


-sS for SYN

-sT for Connect

-sU for UDP

-A for OS and service Detection

Port Specific

-p 443

-p 1-100

-p- for all ports

What is Wireshark?

Packet analysis tool

Allows a packet to be broken down to gain a better understanding

Can be used to discern what protocols are being used to pass data between nodes

How does Wireshark work?

Wireshark takes captured packets and allows you to analyse them

This can give you an indication of how things are running

Can also capture any passwords if they are sent in plaintext …